Saturday, April 20, 2013

Will the real Daryl Dixon please stand up?

     First, let's start with giving kudos to Norman Reedus for doing an amazing job at bring such an emotionally diverse character to life! It is the stamp of a true actor to be able to engulf the emotions on the face and eyes of their character so the audience gains a true feeling for the part. Good job Norman! View his official website here or click here to view his production company website.

Daryl Dixon’s ‘Walking Dead’ Love Interest & Other Season 4 Spoilers – The Stir (blog). (2013). Retrieved April 25, 2013, from The
     Daryl Dixon is first mentioned by the group and it is obvious they don't like him. Our first glance at Daryl is via his brother, Merle, who had been locked on the roof of an Atlanta department store. If Daryl was anything like him the viewers were in for an interesting ride. When the group finds a deer, Daryl had tracked for miles, being eaten by a walker we gain our first look at the now fan favorite character who leaves a lasting impression of hostility, anger and relentless attitude toward others. But how does a man who acts like this become the fan favorite? (Darabont, 2010-2013)

What made Daryl who he is today?

     Daryl in season two eluded to abandonment issues when he spoke of his relationships with his father and his brother Merle. When Daryl and Andrea go searching for Sophia he tells a story about a time when he ran away, in this story it is revealed that he was often left to fend for himself while his father was out gallivanting around with women and Merle was in juvenile detention. Although I doubt Daryl would admit it, this caused him to lack trust in other people. He didn't need anyone then and he doesn't need anyone now. However, the real problem for Daryl is that he longs to be needed and when he finds his niche in the group, being Rick's right hand man and searching for Sophia, he found his calling and would give everything he had to protect his new family. (Darabont, 2010-2013)

Daryl finding Cherokee Roses, a sign of hope for Carol.
 The Walking Dead Wiki. (2011, Novemeber 6). Retrieved April 25, 2013, from Cherokee Rose:
     Belonging, however, doesn't dissolve his trust issues. As revealed when he falls down a ravine and is stuck with an arrow, he has a hallucination of Merle who tells him that the group doesn't care about him because they aren't family. (Random question: why did he eat the squirrel raw when he was injured? That was gross! (Darabont, 2010-2013)) He battles the past and the abuse that led him to his current beliefs. I found the episode where he was shot by Andrea to be very revealing about his character. When Rick approaches him, gun drawn, he states "that is the third time you pointed that thing at my head are you gonna pull the trigger or what?" (Darabont, 2010-2013) When Andrea grazes his head with a bullet he is in complete shock that someone shot him, and I think a little hurt. Later that night when Carol brought him dinner, she leaned in to kiss his cheek as thank you for searching for Sophia and he flinched. Again, I think this is a reaction he learned as a child, getting close to someone means you will be hurt. I think it has also been a long time since someone has actually touch him without it being demeaning or harmful to him. Of course, if someone touching you is associated with being harmed you will flinch, but when he realizes that she meant him no harm he wasn't sure how to react. He simply wasn't used to being treated in a kind manner. It's as if he's being seen for who he really is for the first time. Daryl also doesn't know how to accept compliments and brushes them off by saying he didn't do anything special and that "Rick and Shane would have done the same thing..."(Darabont, 2010-2013)  but when Carol told him "you're every bit as good as them...every bit." A piece of the hardness chipped off of Daryl.The real reveal to the growing change is Daryl is when Andrea goes to his tent to apologize. Daryl instantly forgivers her saying "You were protecting the group, we're good." but he still can't let go of the past and quickly finishes with "hey, but you shoot me again, best pray I'm dead." Daryl fights the urge to let the group in as his defense mechanisms begin to crumble. (Darabont, 2010-2013)

The physical scares that caused emotional damage. 
Daryl-Dixon-tattoos-300x225.jpg. (2013). Retrieved April 25, 2013, from The Walking Dead Wiki:
     In season 3, however, we learn more about the abuse that Daryl endured as a child when Merle rips off his shirt and reveals the scars from his father's beatings. Merle didn't realize that the abuse had been so bad on Daryl and tries to explain why he left. Again we are led to the understanding that Daryl has abandonment issues stemming from his past relationships or lack there of with his family. I wonder if the reason that Daryl struggles to let people in the group in is because he isn't sure if they will survive and why waste time on them if they won't be around, that just leads to being hurt right? This is when Daryl realizes that he trusts the group more than he trusts his brother Merle, despite the fact that he still loves his brother he leaves him to return to the group (taking Merle with him). We come to realize that the harsh and aggressive behaviors exhibited by Daryl are the way he protects himself. It is simply easier to push people away then to allow them to come into his life and expose him to potential pain. I wonder, however, with all the progress that Daryl has made in trusting the group, how will the death of his brother effect him? Will it cause him to retreat to the safety of not letting people in because they will only leave...or will he continue to grow and open up...we'll have to stay tuned in to season 4 to find out. (Darabont, 2010-2013)

     Many fans are asking about romantic relationships with Daryl, and there are obvious undertones of "feelings" between Carol and him (as a side note, I just want to mention that I am fascinated that the fan base wants him to have a relationship because the moment that he does the girls will scream she's not good enough have me..just an interesting thought), however, Daryl refuses to let people get close enough to start a relationship. Not saying he doesn't desire one or want one but that he may feel in letting someone in that close he risks losing so much. He watched as Rick lost Lori and what that did to him, I am not sure that he wishes to endure that kind of pain. We will find out as we watch more as the character develops. (Darabont, 2010-2013)
It's almost as if he's never been touched before.
 Chupacabra: Awkward Thank You Dinner. (2012, July 30). Retrieved April 25, 2013, from The Walking Dead Survival Cooking Blog:

But....there is another side to Daryl...

Daryl Dixon, played by Norman Reedus.
Furious, N. (2013, February 2). Daryl Dixon Joins Walking Dead Panel. Retrieved April 25, 2013, from
     I want to propose that there are at least two sides to Daryl, the hardened, defensive, distrusting and aggressive man who is reacting to defense mechanisms put in place from the abuse he endured, and the strong and sensitive Daryl who, I believe is the "real" Daryl. Daryl's armor is strong but we begin to see the people around him chisel away at it.We start to see the softer side to Daryl when Sophia goes missing. He beings to relentlessly look for her refusing to believe that she was dead. I believe this stems from him wanting things form his past to turn out ok and is trying desperately to fix the problem. Daryl, when he let's his guard down, wears his heart on his sleeve. The most touching moments are when he finds the flower and brings it to Carol as a sign of hope, when he holds her after finding Sophia in the barn telling her not to look and when he sits with her saying nothing while they wait to bury Sophia. He understands the pain of loss and is compassionate to her feelings. I think he was personally crushed when they saw that little girl walk out of the barn.
     Daryl is fiercely loyal and protective of those that he loves and brings strength to those that surround themselves with him.  He feels compelled to provide for them (even if it is hunting squirrels, at least it's food lol) and give them whatever their needs are in order to survive. This is the real Daryl. This is the Daryl that he hides from people because if you get to this point with him there is no turning back. With him it is all or nothing he will give everything he has once he let's you into his life. This scares him because it makes him vulnerable and open to being hurt, that's why he guards it with everything he has. (Darabont, 2010-2013)

     My hope for Daryl, who is by far my personal favorite character, is that he continues to grow and heal from the past so that he can look forward to a better future. I fear that he will regress with the loss of his brother, but I hope that the shell he reverts back into isn't so hard that no one can ever crack it. We will only know for sure as we continue to watch on AMC's "The Walking Dead." (Darabont, 2010-2013)

Works Cited 

Frank Darabont. (2010-2013). [The Walking Dead]. Gale Anne Hurd.  Atlanta, GA: Stargate Studios.

Frank Darabont. (2010-2013). Season 1 Episode 1-6 [The Walking Dead]. Gale Anne Hurd.  Atlanta, GA: Stargate Studios.

Frank Darabont. (2010-2013). Season 2 Episode 1-13 [The Walking Dead]. Gale Anne Hurd.  Atlanta, GA: Stargate Studios.

Frank Darabont. (2010-2013). Season 3 Episodes 1-16 [The Walking Dead]. Gale Anne Hurd.  Atlanta, GA: Stargate Studios.

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