Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Highway (Fan Fiction)

Marie, S. (2012, March 2). Driving on Country Roads. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from Provident Mommy Living Intentionally:
     Unsure of her next move Grace quickly barreled down the stairs and across the yard toward the road. She knew the city wasn't an option so to the right it was. She had walked about half a mile when she realized she needed a drink. Her lips were like leather and her tongue swelling with thirst. There was no water around, no river, creeks, or lakes. Looking forward she saw what appeared to be several cars, "The highway!" she screamed as she tried to quicken her pace. What felt like her fastest speed seemed to take forever to arrive at the wreckage. Disappointed that it wasn't the highway, she began to rummage through the cars for useful items. Ashamed and embarrassed about trifling through other peoples belongings she began to cry, "Suck it up Grace," she told herself, "the ones who survive a crisis are not the ones who cry all the time!" she sniffled as she used her arm to wipe the tears. She looked though the backseat of the first car and found nothing, but a glace at the passenger side floor there was a water bottle half full. Grace flew over the seat grabbing the container. Opening it she thrust it into her mouth water pouring out at the corners and down her neck. The drink was so refreshing could took a deep breath and sat back wiping her mouth with her arm.

    Realizing she need to get moving toward the highway again she began scavenging through the other cars. She found a blanket, a half used bottle of aspirin, three bottles of water, a bag of chips, a long metal pipe that she could use as a weapon, better than a stick, and a backpack that she used to carry everything.Taking one last look at the wreckage she turned to try to get to the highway before it was dark. The words "The get more active at night" spoken by the burly women were all she could think of, besides the highway couldn't be that much farther right? She had been walking most of the day and the sun was starting to go down, she guessed it was six o'clock.
    After walking about an hour she thought she could see something metallic in the foreground. She squinted hard trying to make out what it was. Realizing it was a guardrail and the heat of the midday subsiding she began to run. "There had to be someone on the highway." she kept repeating to herself, she felt this was her only hope to survive in this world. Despite the fact that she had yet to see another walker she knew that luck wouldn't last forever and she had no prospects for housing, she didn't want to die.Grace was growing tired as she come close to the guardrail, it had been an extremely long day and she just wanted to rest. After about fifteen minutes she climbed the rail and finally landed on the black pavement she had waited all day to see. It wasn't as exciting as she had imagined, there was nothing. "NOTHING!!!!" she screamed. She looked to her right and saw a wreckage and then looked left and saw what looked like movement. She tried to refocus and realized there was a lot of movement. Her excitement began to build as she raised her arms and began waving them. "Hey!" she yelled waving her arms even harder and taking steps toward the group "Hey!" As the movement got a little closer she realized that the people were walking differently. She stopped staring for a second before she realized it was a herd of zombies.

Gallery: Cars from The Walking Dead. (2013). Retrieved May 22, 2013, from The Winsor Star:
     Turning to run she could see an RV in the wreckage, knowing if she could get to it she could hide inside she began to run gripping her pipe tightly. She knew there were too many for her to handle, the women had told her to hide if there were more than one, this group was at least fifty! She paused when she realized there was movement at the wreckage too. Zombies at both sides. This was a bad idea. Unsure of what to do fear grasped her. There appeared to be less zombies at the wreckage maybe she could take them out and hide from the herd. She turned and ran toward the cars. As she rounded the first cars she realized she didn't have time to make it to the RV the zombies were gaining on her. Panicking she decided to hide under a truck tucking the pipe under her arm in case she needed to use it. It took everything she had to not cry as the shuffling of feet began to pass. She could hear the moans, her body was shaking and she covered her mouth with her hand to hide the sound of her breath. She didn't seem to be noticed by the the herd but even through the shuffling subsided she wasn't sure if it was safe to come out.
     All of a sudden she heard a yell, "They are after her, they are going to get my daughter!" Realizing that the zombies don't talk, it was humans! Living humans! She jumped up hitting her head in excitement as she climbed from under the truck. Jumping to her feet she began to run toward them raising her arms waving "Hey!" She yelled, "Hey!" She stopped when she realized that they were pointing weapons at her. Putting her arms out as if to say she was harmless she took slower steps. "Hey, please...please.. help me. I've been walking in the hot sun all day. Please don't harm me."
    "Who are you?" inquired the man with a crossbow stepping closer to get a better look.
     "My name is Grace. Please...I just...please don't hurt me...I just..need to rest."
     "Put down the pipe." He demanded. Looking at her hand she bent over and slowly laid the pipe on the ground.
Tsoumbakos, R. (2013, March 27). Daryl Dixon’s Crossbow vs. A Real Crossbow User. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from Rachel Tsoumbakos:
     "I don't want to hurt you, please...please....I'm all alone, I don't know how to survive in this new dad," tears began to well in her eyes, "he...I just walked in ...and he..." a tear ran down her cheek. She took a deep breath to control her emotions. She looked away and then back. "Listen, I just need to rest, I won't be any trouble. I will help in any way I can, I won't be a problem I promise. Please." she begged. The man lowered his crossbow and turned to walk away. She bent down picked up the pipe and followed him.

Merel's Redemption


Karlin, S. (2011, November 21). Fast Company. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from How One "Walking Dead" Actor's Racist Maniac Makes For Must-See TV:
     Merle was not a character that we were supposed to love, he's the one you love to hate. He walked around spouting racist and hateful jargon and prodded his brother with encouragement most would not like to receive. He was tough, rough, and aggressive. But that wasn't all Merle was...he was also a protector and rather he showed it or not he loved his baby brother, Daryl, more than anything. The two brothers had a rough childhood and who could blame them for putting up so much armor to protect themselves, but when it comes to siblings it isn't hard to decide to protect them no matter how much animosity is between you. Merle knew the Governor and what he was capable of, he had done his bidding too many times not to understand his brutal mentality. He knew that the Governor would not give up until he had killed everyone in the prison watching them suffer along the way. If there was a full force attack on the prison his brother would be one of the casualties and Merle knew it. He couldn't bear the thought, so as a silent hero he gave his life to try to save his brother's. The rest of the group's survival was a byproduct of the love that the two shared.
     I think the turning point for Merle was when he saw the scars on his brothers back. He was deeply hurt by the fact that he wasn't there to save his brother from their dad when they were younger. He wanted to show his brother that he was there for him, that he never really meant to leave him, and he cared but not knowing how, he did the best he trying to kill the Governor. If the threat was gone by Merle's hand then maybe Daryl would forgive him and the rest of the group would respect him. Things, however, did not go as planned. So close to ending the atrocity of the Governor by a shot to the head, but stopped by someone stepping in the way, Merle's life was going to end at the hand of the enemy.
     The cruelness of the Governor is revealed when we realize the Governor does not prevent people from becoming zombies, but actually creates them. The scene when Daryl happens onto his brother, now a zombie, is heart wrenching. Two brother's who loved each other so much they would die for each other, were facing off and Daryl's only option was to kill him or be killed. The lost of Merle, although I never thought I would say this, was devastating.  He gained the love of fans in that swift, brave move. For trying to right his wrongs, for loving his brother, for accepting responsibility, for attempting to protect other people, for risking it all and gaining nothing, for that I tip my hat to Merle Dixon, a hero.

O'Neill, P. (2013, March 29). Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 15. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from Radio and TV Blog: