Thursday, May 9, 2013

Daryl Dixon or Norman Reedus?

heatherfinley. (2012, October 12). Norman Reedus! Retrieved May 10, 2013, from Buzznet:
Ok, Ok, so I have admitted that Daryl Dixon is by far my favorite character of "The Walking Dead" and apparently that means I am also crushin' on Norman Reedus. Norman if you are reading this, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't even know you! LOL Now, Daryl on the other hand, I have seen him on a regular basis once a week for 3 years (yes, even when the season is over that is what Netflix is for!)  he's a pretty steady date, never late, if I owned a restaurant he'd be a regular and I'd give him the usual. Sometimes he comes across as harsh or rude, but that's just an act, I see past it. He's very faithful and well, protective, and in a zombie apocalypse, ummm, yes please. Not to mention the bike and the hot angel wings and that sexy cross-bow....

Wait, did I just say that? Sorry, went off into LALA

The only problem is that he takes a lot of breaks during our time together (stupid commercials and story plots for other, really I am just kidding I love the other story plots, they just need to all include Daryl that's all I'm saying.)

For all the men out there reading, you need to listen up because apparently Daryl Dixon, in all of his redneck. hick ways, is a lady's man (despite the fact that he has yet to obtain a love interest on the show...). So what is it about Daryl that the ladies find so are ten things that you can learn from Daryl Dixon...

Year, R. A. (2012, January 4). The Walking Dead. Retrieved May 10, 2013, from Ride, Daryl, Ride:
  1. He is a bad boy and rebel. This man is just as good on his own as with a group and could careless what others think of him. He rides a bike, is mysterious, he has the attitude of whatever, he never gives up when it matters most, and is strong. BUT...
  2. He is sensitive. He forgives easily, is loyal and shows that he cares by bringing the occasional flower (in a beer bottle...really Daryl, you can track anything for miles and miles but you couldn't find a lovely vase or something?) 
  3. He brings hope when no one else will and he holds you when times get tough or you find your daughter was turned into a man eating zombie, either way.
  4. He does what he has to do and doesn't complain (key words here boys). 
  5. He knows when to stop talking and just be there. You can't always fix things, sometimes they just are what they are.
  6. Did I mention that he rides a bike?  Through zombie herds... Forget that there are zombies all around that could pull him off and devour him, he's so good, that they couldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole so bike it is! And the bike is so loud that it would attract the walkers, but that doesn't matter cause he'd just kill them. That kind of confidence is just hot all by itself.
  7.  He saves the day and is the hero that every girl wants (Is knight in white shinning armor appropriate during the zombie apocalypse?) His passion for preserving the life of those around him is to die for (yes, the pun was intended, I rolled my eyes too). Did I mentioned he risked his life to get a doll! HOTNESS!
  8.  He is a provider, even if it is just squirrels, or a half eaten zombie deer. He provides medicine, food, supplies, protection...the man does it all! Seriously, they should have named him Super Dixon. This man provides for children that aren't even his! Now that's saying something!
  9. He calls people out when they are being stupid and says what we all want to say but can't. But listens to directions when told to do something, and does it the way he was told to the first time..I'm not sure you heard that....THE FIRST TIME!!!! When we say stop and ask for directions don't drive 3 more hours...just stop...seriously...stop.
  10. He's not afraid to cry, even the ugly cry the one where you are all out there, yup that's manly. FYI boys, most girls respect a man who is strong enough to show his emotions. Just saying.
Wait...did I mention that he rides a bike?

I am sure there is plenty more that I could add to this list and feel free to add to it if you want...but I'm crushin' on Daryl Dixon...Sorry Norman, you'd have to steal my heart from Daryl first (and he carries a crossbow so no one will know that he shot you...just saying) ;)

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